Fine Arts 🖼️🖼️🖼️ (7th day of practical lessons)

    Hi guys! How are you today?  Today was very exciting day for me. Because in today's practice I was a supervisor student. Other days passed with watching other students and learning smth from them. But today I had to give information myself. And about destination, today's place was Bukhara museum of fine arts. Yes I like art I love drawing. But when it comes to describe other masterʼs works, it can be a little bit difficult. Firtly I came across challenges to find this museum as well as to fibd information about this museum. But somehow I managed this. Now I am gonna to give some information about it.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts
Since 1982, the building has been a place for remarkable fine arts collection.
The museum consists of the following exhibitions:
The "Painting and Graphics" exhibition was established on the basis of painting, graphics, and sculpture collections. The exhibition is represented by the works of the Russian artists P. Benkov, Kurzin, and Vilkovir, who visited Central Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It also displays the miniature paintings by Ahmad Donish, the famous Bukharan educator, artist, philosopher, writer and calligrapher, who lived in the second half of the 19th century. One could, too, discover the works by Sadriddin Pochchayev, the well-known miniature-painter and honored artist of Uzbekistan.

    The exhibition possesses a number of pictures and sculpture samples by the contemporary Bukharan artists such as B. Salomov, A. Barnoyev, M. Abdullayev, N. Babayev, Z. Saidjanov, B. Gulov, K. Norkhurozov, and others, who by developing traditions of their predecessors represent a peculiar school of national painting and sculpture. While observing their works one could tell that Bukhara and its ancient history and unique culture serve as the main source of inspiration to create their works.

The "Ancient Jewelry Art of Bukhara" exhibition is represented by old masters' unique jewelry artifacts: the golden plate with the goddess image, golden earrings (1st c. B.C.-2nd c. A.D.), silver armlets (19th - 20th cc.), jewelry decorations, and crockery items made of silver and gild and inlayed with the precious stones (18th - 20th cc.).

The fine arts museum has the center for studying Arabic- written oriental manuscripts. The center was founded in 1990 to study and systematize the written legacy of Central Asia. The museum's reserves possess 3,454 rare manuscripts and documents (the 16th -20th cc.) written in Arabic, Persian-Tajik, and Chaghatay. The literary texts include various documents of judicial, legal, financial, and household character, covering five-century history of Central Asia.

Video is here: 👇👇👇

After guiding, I felt somehow tired. Yes that is true that it is very challenging to attract all students by words. But I can say experience after trip was very great😉😉😉😉


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