Summer Palace 🏰🏰 (5th day of trip)

  Hello - Hello. How are you today? Today I have the greatest experinences to enlighten in my post. ✨✨✨

Today is Friday. Today is dedicated to very amazing not place but palace 😇

Our destination for the last day of this week is Sitorai Mohi Hosa. ⛲⛲⛲

As agreed, we had to be there at 8a.m. But in early morning, I arrived there at 7.30a.m. However, I became glad to be there before the time, cos I enjoyed my time by sitting in the shady blench and by watching the environment of the entrance of the building.

Our supervisors for today are Nigina and Dilnoza. They were also ready to guide us. Thnx to them. Because we got new information about the palace. 

Sitorai Mohi Hosa

    Sitorai Mohi-Hosa Palace is a countryside residence of Bukhara emirs. It is located 4 km to the north of Bukhara and belonged to the last governing emir of Bukhara Said Alimkhan (1911-1920). The name of the palace means "stars meet the moon". Built in 1911 for the last emir, Alim Khan, the three-building compound incorporates elements of both Russian and traditional Bukharan architecture.

  It was under construction for two decades, beginning from the end of the 19th century. Firstly, the group of local architects headed by Usto Hodja Hafiz had built a magnificent object which combined local Bukhara and European traditions. The main structure of this palace is granted to the throne hall. Under its arks the public meetings of the elite authorities used to be held.

   Grand historical value is attributed to the new palace which is built near the old one and includes few building complexes. The new palace complex Sitorai Mohi-Hosa had already been built during the life of emir Alim-khan. It used to include the main entrance ark with mosaic ornament of various tones and colors, inner yard with galleries, main portal designed in east-European style with the flowers planted in front of the swimming-pool and the emir harem premise in the garden. By the entrance to the portal there are two marble lions made by nuratin masters. Also the architects had created marble reservoirs in the shape of fictional dragon.

   The main building of the palace which includes several rooms and personal premises of emir had been constructed mainly under the supervision of Russian engineers and only "The White Hall" and its corridor built in 1912-1914, belong to the art style of Bukhara architects. These halls are the masterpieces of ornamental decoration. "The White Hall" had received its name from the shiny-white construction materials used during the creation) process to cover the walls and the ceiling. The mirrors built in the wall in the shape of a panel constitute only the font for the decorative ornaments. After destroying the palace in 1920 as it was decided by Bukhara emirate, Sitorai Mohi-Hosa was the session place for the new government, supreme state body of the National Republic of Bukhara (1920-1924), the united national assembly.

           Video is here: 👇👇👇

To tell the truth I have been in Sitorai Mohi Hosa many times in my life. But this time is different from others. Cos in previous ones I just walked along the rooms, watched, watched and again came back. But this time, I learned a lot of useful information about this palace from our supervisors. I think that knowing its history it is good to watch the buildings. If I have an opportunity in the future, I will visit this palace with my family. ✨✨✨

Don't hesitate, just come and see the charm of this Summer Palace🏰🏰🏰🏰


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