The charm reflected in the water⛲ (6th day of trip)

    Hi guys!!! Today I am here again. Today I want to make new post about our last trip. You know we have two weeks for practical lessons. As it is Monday today, so it is the beginning of the second week. Our first week passed with great impressions. I have been in many places. But our trip is still continuing. Today I have new place to describe as well as new experience. 

  First of all, our destination is Lab-i Hauz. Everybody knows this ensemble is also well-known sightseeing where many tourists can be found in Bukhara. This ensemble is located in the heart of Old City of Bukhara. And this emsemble consusts of a pond which is surrounded by 3 magnificent buildings.  They are Nadur Divan-Beghi Madrasah, Nadir Divan-Beghi Knakah and Kukaldash Madrasah. 

Lab-i Hauz
The Lab-i Hauz survived because it is the centerpiece of a magnificent architectural ensemble, created during the 16th and 17th centuries, which has not been significantly changed since. The Lab-i Hauz ensemble, surrounding the pool on three sides, consists of the Kukeldash Madrasah (1568–1569, the largest madrasa in the city), on the north side of the pool, and two religious edifices built by Nadir Divan-Beghi: a khanqah (1620; Uzbek: xonaqah, meaning a lodging house for itinerant Sufis) and a madrasa (1622), which stand on the west and east sides of the pool respectively. The small Qāzī-e Kalān Nasreddīn madrasa (now demolished) was formerly located beside the Kukeldash madrasah.

Kukaldash Madrasah
The madrasa is the oldest building of the ensemble. It has 160 cells, located in two stores on the perimeter of a two iwans yard. The traditional facades of the madrasah are adorned with majolica. Over its history, the madrasa performed many different roles: it served as a caravanserai and defensive fortress, and even as a place of execution. Today a section of the madrasa is a museum dedicated to the writers Sadriddin Ayni and Jalol Ikromiy.

Nadir Divan-Beghi Madrasah

   Divan-begi is a title that designated the post right after khan in the Bukhara khanate. Nadir Divan-begi held this position during the reign of Imam Quli-khan (1611-1642), the strongest khan of the Ashtarkhanid (Janid) dynasty (established in 1599). The devotion to Islam tradition in the state under Janid dynasty was pale before the eagerness of the time of prominent Shaibanid khans. These two important peculiarities of the power were soon expressed in remarkable architecture tendency. In 1619 Yalantush-biy who virtually independently governed Samarkand had begun the construction of Sher-Dor Madrasah. The rich colored finishing and the depiction of sun, tigers and antelopes tell of a pioneering approach to artistic expression, unique in the Islamic world. In three years Nadir Divan-begi had followed Yalantush-biy by construction of his own revolutionary structure (Nadir Divan-Begi Madrasah). The entrance portal has depictions of 2 phoenix birds, 2 misshapen white deer and a "man-in-the-sun" face

Nadir Divan-Beghi Knakah
This khanqah is a rectangular edifice topped with a dome. The building has non-traditional narrow and prolate main portal along with two lateral entrances. The hall (dhikr-khana) has excellent acoustic properties. The inner walls of the hall are recessed with niches fringed with stucco moldings. The dwelling space occupies corners and lateral exterior walls of the building. The finishing of the main entrance gate is made quite conservatively, with an exception of some floral elements in ornamentation. The edges of the main portal are overworked with epigraphy ornaments. The main front of the khanqah is cornered with towers cut at a level of the walls. Due to its location and size (side of the square hall is 11,2 m. - 36,75 ft.), the khanqah was the prominent cultural and religious centre of Bukhara.

      Video about Lab-i Hauz: 👇👇👇

I really appreciated this ensemble. I think all because of its cool climate and breathtaking scenery both tourists and mocal people visit this ensemble. So that reason whenever you visit there there are a lot of people walking around. 
  And also during the trip we took photos of us to prove our words about trip.
Wait for your comments 😉🙂😉🙂


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