
Сообщения за июнь, 2022

Lovely Pilgrimage 🕌🕌🕌 (last day of practice)

    Assalamu alaykum, my friends. Today I am both happy and upset. Cos today our last day during practice. But our last day day is in very magnificent and lovely place, Memorial Complex of Bahauddin Nakshbandi. We are very happy because of the fact that we have opportunity to conclude our two week in such place 🥺🥺 Today we are both tourist students and pilgrims. And also today is Friday. In fact Friday is massive praying day  of muslims in Islam religion. Memorial Complex of Bahauddin Nakshbandi The Memorial Complex of Khoja Bakhouddin Naqshbandi is one of the most important Muslim shrines. Every self-respecting Muslim knows and reveres this name. The great theologian of the XIV century, founder of the Sufi Order "Naqshbandia" was buried 12 km from Bukhara in his native village of Kasri Orifon. Some time ago there was the pagan temple of the site of current tomb of Naqshbandi. Naqshbandi was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur and made hajj to Mekka 32 times. He appealed pe

Minaret Kalyan 🏛️🏛️ (9th day of trip)

    Hello my dears. Our practice is still continuing. Today we have also celebration. Today is the birthday of our best friend, Aziza. And today we celebrated it in the Registan under the Poi Kalyan. From early morning, we gathered together with our groupmates and we wished Aziza good luck, happy birthday 🥳🥳🥳. After that practical part of our day began with Vaziraʼs introduction. Minaret Kalyan The Kalyan Minaret (Persian/Tajik: Minâra-i Kalân, Kalon Minor, Kalon Minaret[2]) is a minaret of the Po-i-Kalyan mosque complex in Bukhara, Uzbekistan and one of the most prominent landmarks in the city. The minaret, designed by Bako, was built on an earlier existing structure called Kalyan by the Qarakhanid ruler Mohammad Arslan Khan in 1127 to summon Muslims to prayer five times a day. An earlier tower was collapsed before starting this structure which was called Kalyan, meaning welfare, indicating a Buddhist or zoroasterian past. It is made in the form of a circular-pillar baked brick tow

History hidden in the fortress ( 8th day of practical lessons)

    👋👋👋👋👋 Guys. Are you ready to know about new experiences. If yes, we will start. Today's destination is Ark Fortress. Yes, it is the most outstanding palace all around the world. This fortress has very very old and big history. Because thus palace used to work as a defence in ancient times. I learned a lot of new information from our supervisors, Munisa, Shakhnoza and Mokhinoz. Ark Fortress The Ark of Bukhara is a massive fortress located in the city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, that was initially built and occupied around the 5th century AD. In addition to being a military structure, the Ark encompassed what was essentially a town that, during much of the fortress's history, was inhabited by the various royal courts that held sway over the region surrounding Bukhara. The Ark was used as a fortress until it fell to Russia in 1920. Currently, the Ark is a tourist attraction and houses museums covering its history. The museums and other restored areas include Archaeological mu

Fine Arts 🖼️🖼️🖼️ (7th day of practical lessons)

    Hi guys! How are you today?  Today was very exciting day for me. Because in today's practice I was a supervisor student. Other days passed with watching other students and learning smth from them. But today I had to give information myself. And about destination, today's place was Bukhara museum of fine arts. Yes I like art I love drawing. But when it comes to describe other masterʼs works, it can be a little bit difficult. Firtly I came across challenges to find this museum as well as to fibd information about this museum. But somehow I managed this. Now I am gonna to give some information about it. Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts Since 1982, the building has been a place for remarkable fine arts collection. The museum consists of the following exhibitions: The "Painting and Graphics" exhibition was established on the basis of painting, graphics, and sculpture collections. The exhibition is represented by the works of the Russian artists P. Benkov, Kurzin, and Vilkov

The charm reflected in the water⛲ (6th day of trip)

    Hi guys!!! Today I am here again. Today I want to make new post about our last trip. You know we have two weeks for practical lessons. As it is Monday today, so it is the beginning of the second week. Our first week passed with great impressions. I have been in many places. But our trip is still continuing. Today I have new place to describe as well as new experience.    First of all, our destination is Lab-i Hauz. Everybody knows this ensemble is also well-known sightseeing where many tourists can be found in Bukhara. This ensemble is located in the heart of Old City of Bukhara. And this emsemble consusts of a pond which is surrounded by 3 magnificent buildings.  They are Nadur Divan-Beghi Madrasah, Nadir Divan-Beghi Knakah and Kukaldash Madrasah.  Lab-i Hauz The Lab-i Hauz survived because it is the centerpiece of a magnificent architectural ensemble, created during the 16th and 17th centuries, which has not been significantly changed since. The Lab-i Hauz ensemble, surrounding t

Summer Palace 🏰🏰 (5th day of trip)

  Hello - Hello. How are you today? Today I have the greatest experinences to enlighten in my post. ✨✨✨ Today is Friday. Today is dedicated to very amazing not place but palace 😇 Our destination for the last day of this week is Sitorai Mohi Hosa. ⛲⛲⛲ As agreed, we had to be there at 8a.m. But in early morning, I arrived there at 7.30a.m. However, I became glad to be there before the time, cos I enjoyed my time by sitting in the shady blench and by watching  the environment of the entrance of the building. Our supervisors for today are Nigina and Dilnoza. They were also ready to guide us. Thnx to them. Because we got new information about the palace.  Sitorai Mohi Hosa     Sitorai Mohi-Hosa Palace is a countryside residence of Bukhara emirs. It is located 4 km to the north of Bukhara and belonged to the last governing emir of Bukhara Said Alimkhan (1911-1920). The name of the palace means "stars meet the moon". Built in 1911 for the last emir, Alim Khan, the three-building co

Black Creativity ⚔️⚔️ (4th day of practical lessons)

  Hello, my dears. Are you still here???     Is it interesting for you to know where we went today??? I hope you say 'yeah'.   Today is both interesting and tiring day for me. Cos our destination for today was Blacksmith Museum-Workshop . This museum became very impressive for all of us. Because this building is both museum and still live workshop. Blacksmith Museum The Blacksmith History Forge Museum is a short walk north of the Toqi Telpak Furushon Bazaar on Khakikat Street. The museum is located in the Kulyuta karavansarai which was built in the 16th century. Admission is free, and it is a rare treat to see a working blacksmith. Photos/Videos can be taken and you can stroll through the workshop to view finished goods and the tools of the blacksmith. The most impressive area is the urn shaped hearth with white handles, which had a fire inside.    The blacksmith was working on a knife, and using his hammer to straighten it on the anvil. The sound of the hammer on the anvil and

Dream house ( 3rd day of practical lessons)

  Hi, my dear friends. Are you waiting for me??🙄🙄😀 Today I have great impressions and memories to share with you. Today is Wednesday. Today is the 3rd day of our practical lessons. Our destination for today is to House Museum of Fayzulla Khodjaev. Yes, yes House Museum. 🕍🕍🕍 In fact, this House Museum is belonged to Ubaydulla Khodjaev, father of Fayzulla Khodjaev. In this house Fayzulla Khodjaev and his family lived during 18th century. House Museum of Fayzulla Khodjaev   House-Museum of Fayzulla Khodjaev, located in the old part of Bukhara, in Goziyon neighborhood, is the bright example of the architecture of the XIX century. Fayzulla Khodjaev Museum memorializes one of the eminent politicians of Uzbekistan, whose active work fell on the beginning of the XX century.   F ayzulla Khodjaev, is, undoubtedly, a key politician figure of Uzbek history of 1920-1930. His fantastic career and tragic final left many ambiguities, covered with discrepant myths of the XX century. Fayzulla Khod

Unusual shaped museum ⛪

  Hello, dear friends. Today also I am gonna to tell you about our second day trip around our city Bukhara. Our next destination is Memorial Complex of Imam Al Bukhari.  Memorial Complex of Imam Al Bukhari The Memorial Complex of Imam Al Bukhari is situated in the northern section of the Samanid Park opposite the ancient Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum. It is a recent structure, as the small museum was opened in 2001. It is a unique design, as it is shaped as a book which is partially open, with the spine facing south.   Awesome and thrilled first visiting the tomb of Imam Bukhari at Memorial Complex of imam Al Bukhari, Bukhara City, Uzbekistan. Moreover, got to visit the remnants of the Emir's Palaces in Bukhara and Samarkhand gave an extremely beautiful experience for life. With this opportunity got to associate its history with the history of the city of Taj Mahal, Agra, India relating it's ancestral relationship between the Mongol and Mughal Empire from Gengis Khan Kublai Khan to Ti